CORNWALL, Ontario – The Cornwall Chamber of Commerce will host an all-candidates forum Oct. 15 at the Cornwall Civic Complex.
The forum will be televised live on TV Cogeco and begins at 6 p.m.
“The chamber recently polled its members and asked for the three most important issues facing the business community,” said chamber president Kevin Hargreaves. “Once again, tax rates emerged as a key issue, but business development and in particular, both retail and overall economic development were seen as important factors. Our members continue to look for reductions in red tape with respect to business start-ups and expansions.”
“The debate will give people from across the city a chance to pose questions to the candidates and determine where they stand on these and other issues,” said Hargreaves. “And when it is election day, the chamber urges everyone to remember each candidates’ promises and then, get out and vote. A large turnout will send a strong message to whomever represents our constituency that we expect results.”
With the large numbers of candidates for city councillor, each one will be given a specified time for a platform statement after which they will join the audience. The mayoralty candidate debate will follow with opening statements followed by a series of pre-designed questions from the moderator and a brief scrum after each one.
Once the moderator question series is completed, the public in attendance will have an opportunity to ask questions of each of the mayoralty candidates.