Blue Box Transition Period Decision
South Dundas CAO Shannon Geraghty spoke to an action request in which Staff recommended withdrawing from the management of the Blue Box program beyond Dec. 31, 2024.
The new provincially proposed Blue Box Regulation shifts the responsibility of providing recycling services from municipalities to producer companies. During the transition period from Jan. 1, 2025 to Jan. 1, 2026, the Municipality may choose to opt back in to the program.
“The current contract that is being looked at to be executed is certainly not in favour of Municipalities. There’s a lot of questions still unanswered and a lot of risks…” said Geraghty.
Opting out would result in about $537,000 in cost savings for the Municipality associated with the collection and processing of recyclable materials. The Municipality would also see a decrease in revenues of about $113,000.
Staff and Council expressed concerns over how residents may be impacted and how recycling may consequently be diverted to landfills due to this change.
“We as a Municipality is not legislating this. It’s coming down from the provincial government…” said Deputy Mayor Marc St. Pierre. “Without knowing the full (outcome) of this…the consumer is going to pay for this regardless… it’s going to be downloaded. If you carefully read the lawyers’ recommendations, it clearly outlines that (the province is) imposing recommendations outside of what is supposed to be legislated.”
Coun. Ward discussed bolstering diversion tactics moving forward, as well as rolling out a comprehensive communications plan to residents and businesses about the related changes once more information on the Blue Box Regulation becomes available.
Tender results for ice resurfacer, snow plow, and sander
Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities David Jansen presented an action request to Council recommending the purchases of a 450 Electric Zamboni in the amount of $135,335 plus HST and delivery charges. Council approved the purchase of a new ice resurfacer for the Morrisburg Arena in the amount of $140,000 within the 2023 Fleet Budget.
“I am recommending that we go the electric route (versus propane). At the end of the day, long term, I think it’s going to pay for itself. I know there is a $40,000 increase right now… but there’s a whole heath and safety benefit there, not just an economical benefit,” said Jansen, referencing increasing gas and propane costs.
Staff are planning to store the existing Zamboni for a one-year period before discussing a disposal plan.
“I think it is great that we move in this direction,” said Mayor Jason Broad.
Director of Transportation Services Jeff Hyndman also presented an action request to Council recommending awarding the purchase of a front mounted snow plow and sander to Twin Equipment in the amount of $26,801 plus HST. The 2023 Budget included $30,528 from the fleet reserve fund for the purchase of a snow plow and sander for the ¾ ton truck.
“This plow unit will be used as a key vehicle for snow removal for the upcoming season,” said Hyndman.
Sand erosion repairs at Morrisburg Beach
Due to excessive erosion and loss of sand this winter, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities David Jansen recommended that Council approve approximately $20,000 for the replacement of sand at the Morrisburg Beach within the 2023 Recreation Budget.
“Unfortunately, with the thaw this spring, we did find that we lost a large amount of sand at the Morrisburg Beach,” said Jansen. “The Morrisburg Beach is critical to the operation of the waterfront, aquatics programs, and a lot of things in South Dundas. We are pretty sure it happened during the storm in December… nobody, between all of the Staff who have been here a long time, have ever seen anything quite of this magnitude.”
The action request states that Staff conservatively estimate the replacement requirement to be 375 cubic yards of sand. The area requiring upgrades is approximately 30 feet by 225 feet. Staff will work to minimize the amount of sand required to reinstate the beach.
Iroquois Beach sustained minor damages. Staff will aim to complete these repairs within the existing budget allocations.
“Looking forward to the future, I think we’re going to see this more and more. It has gotten quite windy…” said Coun. Danielle Ward.
Staff have reviewed long-term solutions, which would be quite costly and/or limit water access for beach users.
Iroquois Beach Canteen RFP
Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities David Jansen asked Council for feedback on issuing a Request For Proposal (RFP) for interested parties to lease the Iroquois Beach Canteen this summer. This could include non-profit organizations, who may indicate a bid value of $1, however they would be required to indicate how the profits would be re-invested in the community.
The Iroquois Beach Canteen has been unused since 2020, mostly due to COVID restrictions. The canteen was previously operated by the Iroquois Waterfront Committee. The Committee confirmed it does not intend to operate the canteen in 2023.
Minor repairs and cleaning will be required prior to occupancy. Staff believe this be completed within the 2023 Facilities Budget. Leasing this space could increase the services available to visitors and residents at the Iroquois Beach, which is busy during the summer.
Upcoming Meetings
Regular Council Meeting: Monday, April 24, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Regular Council Meeting: Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Regular Council Meeting: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 6 p.m.