CORNWALL, Ontario – Roman Danylo isn’t a real stripper, he just plays one on the stage.
The creator of the Comic Strippers Improv Group, which will play in Cornwall May 21 at Aultsville Theatre, is the first to admit he’s not a person who takes his clothes off for a living (well, not all of them, anyway) and wouldn’t be able to make a connection with that industry, even if he wanted to.
“I wouldn’t because what we’re trying to do is show the irony of that kind of show,” he said. “Everyone is aware early on, we’re not super sexy.”
The Comic Strippers are a fictitious male stripper troupe, played by a cast of some of Canada’s best improvisational comedians including Danylo, Ken Lawson, David Milchard and Chris Casillan.
Their intent is to be sexy…but it just comes out funny.
Danylo got the idea after his wife returned from a real male strip show and told him that the venue was packed. It’s how he got the idea to turn that kind of show on its ear by introducing characters who are decidedly unsexy yet think they are what (nearly) every woman wants.
“We’ve got torsos – we can do that,” he said. “The audience really plays a role too – they get into it.”
Danylo was quick to point out two things: one, there is no gratuitous nudity in the Comic Strippers Show (you probably wouldn’t want to see it anyway)…and the performers are committed to the comedy in their craft.
“We did nine shows in a row in Australia,” he said. “You’re not supposed to do that kind of thing in your late 40s, but also we started to get into shape – which takes away from the irony of what we’re doing.”
Not unlike real male strip shows, audience members are offered pictures with the cast members of the show. But the difference is Comic Strippers gives the photos away.
“We tried selling them like they do at real strip shows – that didn’t work,” Danylo said with a laugh.
The fellows also sing, ‘dance’ and only get oiled up and ready to make the audience laugh.
Ticket info is available at the civic complex box office, 613-938-9400.