United Counties of SDG raises United Way/Centraide SD&G flag

United Counties of SDG raises United Way/Centraide SD&G flag
Lori Greer holds up the United Way/ Centreaide SD&G Flag in front of the United Counties office on October 3.

CORNWALL, Ontario – United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG) raised the United Way/Centraide SD&G flag at the County Administration building to mark October as United Way month.

“We are so pleased with the continued support for United Way/Centraide SD&G from SDG”, said Lori Greer, United Way/Centraide Executive Director. “We greatly appreciate enthusiasm for our Campaign each year and for being United Way/Centraide local community heroes.”

United Way/Centraide SD&G was the recipient of proceeds from the Warden’s Annual Golf Tournament, providing $1, 500 to the 2016 Campaign. SDG staff also support the United Way/Centraide campaign through special events and payroll deduction. 

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