A Good Chat about Municipal Matters

 A Good Chat about Municipal Matters
Councillor Sarah Good, Patrick Finucan, and Angie Baker. (Photo : Jason Setnyk photo)

Cornwall City Councillor Sarah Good hosted “Coffee with Your Councillor” on May 24 at Carrots N’ Dates in downtown Cornwall. This event provided an opportunity for residents to engage directly with one of their representatives.

Good extended a warm invitation to all citizens, emphasizing the event’s accessibility in person and via live stream. This opened the door for broad participation in discussing various community topics.

“Today, I’m hosting an engagement event called Coffee with your Councillor. It’s an open invitation for anyone to stop by, say hi, ask questions, and chat about the important issues in the city,” said Good.

The event saw immediate participation, with attendees stopping by to discuss local politics. Good expressed her enthusiasm for the request to host an evening event, musing about calling the session “Cocktails with a Councillor.”

“This is about creating a space for communication,” Good concluded, highlighting her commitment to ongoing community engagement.

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