CORNWALL, Ontario – I was all cheer, singing, and cider at the Cornwall Community Museum on Saturday, December 16, for The Spirit of Christmas. Visitors to the local museum were given the opportunity to jump in to the festive spirit, with a wide array of festive attractions offering fun for the whole family.
“Today we’re having The Spirit of Christmas past, some of our board members saw this as an opportunity to bring together the community,” said Don Smith, manager and associate curator for the Cornwall Community Museum. “We have the sleigh rides overlapping with this at three o’clock, and we’ve set this 1840 wood family house up with a very traditional Christmas theme with decorations from different areas.”
The event kicked off with a performance by the Baptist Choir outside, followed by the opportunity to mingle with Santa Klaus himself, along with local authors and the museum staff. As with most Cornwall Community Museum events, the event was free to everyone. The choir was joined by museum board members and other visitors for a holiday sing along at 2pm, with an hour to go before the sleigh rides.
“We have both Santa and Momma Klaus with us today, lovely costumes. We have crafts for the kids, and apple cider and treats. The refreshments are kind of special for today,” said Smith.
“It’s a chance to mingle and just enjoy the day.”