Your Weekly Horoscope

Seaway News
Your Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF AUGUST 7 TO 13, 2022

The luckiest signs this week: Aquarius, Pisces and Aries

At work, you’ll undertake some trai­ning that brings you advancement. You’ll gain access to roles that are more closely aligned with your values. At the very least, you’ll redefine your ambitions with a stronger sense of conviction.

Perhaps you still haven’t been able to enjoy a relaxing and enriching vacation this summer. You’ll at least plan a sweet getaway that helps you recharge. It may even restore your youthfulness.

You’ll seek to please everyone, but you know well that this is impossible. It’s enough to follow your heart; it’ll never lead you astray. Have more faith in yourself and trust your intuition.

If you return to work after a long vacation, you’ll burn out quickly. In addition, your loved ones and your significant other will need more attention. A little rest will be essential to get you through the week.

You’ll find yourself on a pedestal recei­ving some form of reward, a situation that’ll bring you success. You’ll gain cla­rity on a murky story and earn yourself some expressions of appreciation.

You’ll take time for family and enjoy some solitude in the comfort of your home. Your relationship will also take priority. You’ll use a great deal of crea­tivity, even if it’s just to concoct some new recipe.

You’re sure to want a new car. You’ll also spend a lot of time negotiating various things or listening to endless spee­ches. At work, you may find you’re an ace at sales.

You’ll want to treat yourself, perhaps by updating your wardrobe or hairstyle. You’ll find you need a more active social life and more engagement with your best friends. Overtime at work is on the horizon.

You won’t always take enough time to listen to advice, especially if the lecture is too long. Your intuition will guide you in the right direction if you take the time to pay close attention. An angel will also be watching over you.

Sometimes you need to take a step back to gain the momentum you need to successfully pull off a significant shift. To ease your stress, you’ll reflect seriously on what drives you and what awakens your passion.

An active social life sometimes puts pressure on your credit card. Even if you’re typically thrifty, you run the risk of mismanaging your budget and having some difficulty repaying your debts.

You won’t skimp on looking your best, and the same will apply to other members of your family. Your children will be real fashionistas. Make the most of abundance when it comes.

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