Letter to the editor

Last articles

2024 Adopt-A-Street program begins

—  28 March

Dear Editor Since snowfalls have been rare this year there were very few places for litter…

To the editor

To the editor

—  24 March

Like millions of people around the world, I watched Ryan Gosling sing his big musical number,…

—  17 March

Like millions of people around the world, I watched Ryan Gosling sing his big musical number,…

City commitment to bilingual services

—  16 March

Dear Editor, After reading this article in the Seaway News I am appalled and angry that…

Clear bags

—  12 March

Dear editor, Consider this an open letter to city council regarding their new garbage plan.…

Clear up some misconceptions

—  11 March

Dear editor, We would like to clear up some misconceptions about an article in the Seaway…