
Cooling the Air

Cooling the Air

—  28 June

Thanks to funding from the Youth Climate Action Summit and Frontenac Arc Biosphere, Cornwall’s…

Welcome to Chicken Garden… community cooperation…catch basins?

Welcome to Chicken Garden… community cooperation…catch basins?

—  26 June

Under the “I can’t believe it column”, apparently some people who read the article 2…

A family feud and the haunted house

A family feud and the haunted house

—  22 June

The relatives not liked by an eccentric Cornwall spinster got the last laugh, as the saying…

 Life’s Thwarted Ambitions 

 Life’s Thwarted Ambitions 

—  22 June

In my grade six social studies book there was a chapter on how the indigenouspeoples (they…

Register for the TD Summer Reading Club at SDG Library

Register for the TD Summer Reading Club at SDG Library

—  20 June

TD Summer Reading Club is Canada’s biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of…

Welcome to Chicken Garden…CCH-Corus Radiothon early alert

Welcome to Chicken Garden…CCH-Corus Radiothon early alert

—  19 June

Under the “you need to know” column, please remember that on Saturday June 22nd, the Cornwall…

Enriching the lives of seniors

Enriching the lives of seniors

—  17 June

As Seniors Month unfolds this June, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the…

Should we worry about our balance as we age?

Should we worry about our balance as we age?

—  16 June

Balance is our ability to remain upright with an even weight distribution. As we age, our balance…

No stooping or lifting; just push and steer

No stooping or lifting; just push and steer

—  15 June

You are quite familiar with the contemporary wheelbarrow: it’s a stoop, then grunt, then…

Find a place that suits your needs

Find a place that suits your needs

—  14 June

Have you ever counted how many times you go up and down the stairs in your home each and every…